
WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor 2.14 - Google Play

About WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor

***Enter a website address and you receive an alert when the website changes*** Is your school/university posting grades online, and you don't want to check every hour? Are you waiting for a product to be re-stocked, or...

***Enter a website address and you receive an alert when the website changes***

Is your school/university posting grades online, and you don't want to check every hour?
Are you waiting for a product to be re-stocked, or to arrive at a web shop?
Do you want to be notified when a new comment or vote is posted to an online discussion?

Then this app comes to your rescue! Select a region on any webpage you want to watch, and you will get an alert when changes are made!

How to monitor a website for a change:
1. Add a webpage to watch, using the "share menu" of your browser app (or type the address)
2. Select a region on the webpage (for example the "sold out" or "X is available soon" text)
3. The app will start to follow that page, and check it periodically
4. As soon as a change is detected, an alert is triggered

* Multiple websites can be monitored at the same time
* You can choose the intervals, in which the websites are checked, from 1 minute to 6 hours
* Shows what has changed between the current and previous version of the website
* No suspicious permissions - Only uses permissions that are absolutely necessary
* Simple to use - You do not need to know anything about HTML, CSS or RegExp like with other apps.
* No Ads

Check out the video to see the app in use!

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor since it was posted on our website on 2019-07-30 16:09:54. The latest version is 2.14 and it was updated on 2024-06-13 01:00:43. See below the changes in each version.

WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor version 2.14
Updated At: 2023-09-18
WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor version 1.4
Updated At: 2018-10-25
Changes: - Better error handling (with exponential backoff method) - Stability improvements - Allow to rename watched websites - Removed error message, when a check fails

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Official Google Play Link

We do not host WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor on our servers. We did not scan it for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. This app is hosted by Google and passed their terms and conditions to be listed there. We recommend caution when installing it.

The Google Play link for WWW Notifier Pro - Web Monitor is provided to you by without any warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind, so access it at your own risk.

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Users Rating:  
  0.0/5     0
Downloads: 4
Updated At: 2024-06-13 01:00:43
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free Trial